Monday, December 15, 2014

West Family

Even though it was cold and a little windy this family did amazing. The little boys were such good sports. They had such a blast and my favorite part was running after them to take shots.


Newborn: Oleole

this little cutie was such a joy to work with. He had a small amount of time but he did great and we got some precious shots.

"KJ for short"


Birth Story: Oleole

Before I start showing you the amazing pictures of the birth. I first wanted to say how amazing birth is. I have only ever seen it from the mother point of view so to be part of it as an observer was amazing. Welcoming a new life into the world is the most amazing thing int he world. I was blessed to be able to share it and photograph it.

Now on to the birth story.

She had to brush her teeth, so why not everybody

Kapahunoakua Ten Shian Oleole Jr.
KJ for short
 6 lbs 4 oz, 19.5 inches long

He is an absolutely perfect